Typology description - Teatcher
Persons with the teacher typology (hereinafter referred to as ENFJ) love life and have it well-planned. Their work and fun are noted down in their diary, and immediately afterwards one can state one's life on the fact that they keep it. The occurrence of the ENFJ in population represents around 5 %.
When judging others they do not take into account present reality as opportunities which can be recognised in people. This is demonstrated in an extraordinary ability of empathy and the willingness to carry the weight of others on their shoulders. Their life is organised around future prospects. They organise their daily, weekly and other programmes in an orderly manner.
They are great genuine leaders. Their talent for leadership can be applied equally well to working groups as well as interest groups or bunch of friends aimed at social life. ENFJ have the type of charisma to which others easily and willingly subordinate. Part of their 'secret' relates to the fact that they indeed like people, always look for the best in them, and find them their priority.
Combination of performance coupled with charm usually secures considerable popularity for them, irrespective of where they are and in what role. As a matter of fact, they are equally good leaders as they are ordinary members. They have a talent to think up meaningful activities for members of their group, assign to people 'tailor-made' roles. ENFJ appreciate co-operation and they themselves like to co-operate.
They exude interest and willingness to help, so the others have no problems to turn for advice in any matter, and they are very rarely rejected. They are exceptionally tolerant, hardly critical and can always be trusted.
On the other hand, sometimes they are not able to disengage from their relationship even after they lost their original meaning. Sometimes they exaggerate their interest in others and have no time for themselves. They have a tendency to idealise relationships, sometimes in such a way that it is incompatible with human nature. Since they are capable of empathy, they assume the same in others. However, when they find out that they were not understood completely and accepted how they thought they would be, they feel embarrassed, surprised and sometimes even hurt.
It appears that they do not know what stage fright is, and they do not hesitate to perform in public any time they consider it necessary, irrespective of the size of the audience addressed.
They experience, mostly on the threshold of middle age, that they begin to be inexplicably unhappy with their existing life, career or marriage. It is not uncommon that they approach a radical change that will amaze all others. For ENFJ it is typical that they can excel in multiple professions. ENFJ are like bubbles in soda – they (bubbles) do not need to be many, however, without them things are different.
The weakness of both ENFJ and ESFJ is, for example, the aversion to complex logical analyses that require careful and laborious precision. If this more rational side is neglected by them, in stressful situations they can unexpectedly explode in a form of strong blows of criticism, often illogical, inconsistent, irrational and many times also unfair. Underdeveloped and unsophisticated thinking can cause them to unconditionally accept some ideology or a system of ideologies as a whole without deeper understanding.